EKI is proud to support the 2022 California Land Recycling Conference (CALRC), June 21–23, in Carson, CA.
This year’s in-person Conference is hosted by the Center for Creative Land Recycling, U.S. EPA Region 9, and the CA Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC) Office of Brownfields. The Conference offers a robust program focused on timely and trending land reuse topics, including interagency collaboration, vapor intrusion, historic funding opportunities, placemaking, welcoming young professionals into our industry, and much more.
In addition, to maximize engagement opportunities, the Conference brings together community and private sector leaders engaged in the vital work of brownfield cleanup and revitalization, emphasizing the connections between land revitalization, environmental justice, and climate, as well as highlighting available resources to build stronger communities.
EKI’s President, Dr. Michelle King, will be moderating the conference session “Mitigating Confusion on Vapor Intrusion: Empirical Attenuation Factor Sensitivity Analysis and Approaches to Improve Vapor Intrusion Screening at Redevelopment Sites.”
EKI is delighted to work with CCLR, U.S. EPA Region 9, and DTSC and support their significant efforts to revitalize complex properties to create vibrant cities, towns, and neighborhoods.
Check out the full agenda and consider joining us to reuse, rebuild, and revitalize at CALRC! Register today at https://bit.ly/3Jeo90m. We hope to see you there.