California Land Recycling Conference

Don’t forget to sign up for the California Land Recycling Conference 2018  in Carson, CA on October 24 and 25th. EKI is a proud sponsor of the two-day redevelopment workshop, which is geared towards the unique characteristics of redevelopment in California. EKI will be presenting in the Multi-Increment Sampling and Risk Assessment sessions.


American Ground Water Trust’s California (AGWT) PFAS Workshop

EKI is sponsoring the AGWT’s  California PFAS Workshop, a non-commercial information exchange of legal, hydrological, regulatory and technical opinions to help understand California’s newest notification and response levels, treatment and cost recovery for PFOA and PFOS.

California PFAS Workshop

Thursday, October 11, 2018 | 8:30 am to 4:00 pm (PDT)
The Courtyard…Read More

OCTOBER WEBINAR – PFAS: Slippery Slope or Manageable Risk for Property Transactions and Redevelopment?

The webinar will focus on evaluating and addressing (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) PFAS risks on your property transactions and redevelopment projects.
PFAScinating panelists will discuss the implications of PFAS on property transactions and redevelopment projects.
Topics will include:
  1. Regulatory Landscape
  2. Insurance Industry Perspective
  3. Tools for the Redevelopment Community


About the Panelists

ED CONTI, Principal Geologist
EKI Environment &…Read More

Congratulations to our Newest Professional Geologist, Ryan Ford!

EKI is pleased to announce that Ryan Ford, PG, has successfully completed the National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG) exam to receive his certification as a Professional Geologist.

Ryan joined EKI in 2014 and has extensive experience relating to Phase II Environmental Site Assessments for a variety of contaminated…Read More

Brightfields 2018: Brownfields Redevelopment & Solar Energy

Did you miss EKI Vice President, Earl James’ Brightfields on Brownfields Redevelopment 102 session at Brightfields 2018 – Newark at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in June? The session addressed the regulatory landscape and brightfield challenges and advantages, including a case study of the 25-year effort to transform a Bay Area community. Presentations and photos are now available…Read More

Dr. Heppner To Discuss Cross-Boundary Flows in the Context of SGMA and Groundwater Sustainability Plan Development

Christopher S. Heppner, Ph.D., PG, Senior Hydrogeologist at EKI, will present on the topic of cross-boundary flows at the Law Seminars International (LSI) SGMA’s Next Phase: Sustainable Groundwater Planning in California conference on July 26, 2018. His presentation will cover methods to quantify cross-boundary flows between hydraulically-connected subbasins and…Read More

EKI’s Water Expertise Strengthened by Addition of Hydrogeologist Team

EKI Environment & Water is pleased to announce the recent growth of its Water Resources Group to align with new client opportunities throughout California.

“We continue to experience growth throughout California,” stated Anona Dutton, Vice President and Director of Water Resources Group. “Our momentum is attracting great people who are passionate about solving our clients’ water challenges. I’m excited to…Read More

Speaking Events in April 2018

EKI Environment & Water will have outstanding representation at the Battelle Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds for April 8 – 12th at Palm Springs Convention Center.  Congratulations to Dr. Karen Gruebel and Bobby Plybon, P.E. for their collaborative presentations,…Read More

Speaking Events in March 2018

EKI Environment & Water will be well represented AEHS Foundation’s
28th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air from March 19-22.
 Congratulations to Zachary Salin, Dr. Karen Gruebel, and Antone Jain (seen here, L to R) for their work on their submissions “X-Ray Fluorescence for…Read More