Events in October 2015: EKI Conference Presentations

Erler & Kalinowski, Inc. is pleased to announce our various speaking engagements this October at the following conferences:

  • WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Exposition 2015, October 7 – 9, 2015, South Point Hotel and Conference Center, Las Vegas
  • California Stormwater Quality Association, October 19 – 21, 2015, Hyatt Regency, Monterey
  • California Studies Association, October 24, 2015, University of San Francisco,…Read More

EKI’s Drought Response Tool: A Customized Analytical Model Designed to Increase the Certainty and Transparency of Drought Response Planning

EKI has been assisting water agencies across California with drought response planning in response to the Governor’s Executive Orders and 2015 UWMP requirements.  As a part of these efforts, EKI has developed an Excel-based spreadsheet model to help agencies identify water savings opportunities, by customer sector and major end-use, and to quantify and compare the potential water savings benefits of…Read More

Historic Groundwater Management Legislation Becomes Law in California – What Will It Mean For You?

Facing a record drought and dramatic groundwater level declines in some areas, California legislators passed a trio of bills this legislative session that together provide, for the first time in the state’s history, a framework for the sustainable management of the state’s groundwater resources. The three bills, Senate Bills 1168 (Pavley) and 1319 (Pavley) and Assembly Bill 1739 (Dickinson),…Read More

Is Your Business Complying with the Industrial General Stormwater Permit?

Erler & Kalinowski, Inc., (“EKI”) provides our clients with comprehensive environmental engineering services related to complying with regulations established under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (“CWA”; 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq.).  We have worked on behalf of numerous industrial clients on a wide range of stormwater compliance-related issues and have provided technical support as part of citizen lawsuits…Read More