Dr. Corey Carpenter Presents at PFAS: Slippery Slope or Manageable Risk for Property Transactions and Redevelopment? 2020 Update

The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) is hosting PFAS: Slippery Slope or Manageable Risk for Property Transactions and Redevelopment? 2020 Update Webinar on 28 May 2020. EKI’s Dr. Corey Carpenter will be presenting alongside Trisha Blau of Aon Insurance and Dr. Nicole Fry of the California Water Board to introduce the brownfields community to the potential implications of…Read More

EKI’s Continued Dedication to You During the COVID-19 Crisis

EKI Environment & Water, Inc. (EKI) is committed to providing the responsiveness and quality work our clients rely upon throughout this challenging time. EKI’s Board of Directors has implemented actions that comply with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations and local, State, and Federal government orders to protect our staff and communities, while maintaining operations to meet…Read More

Deepa Gandhi to present platform at AEHS 30th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy and Air in San Diego

EKI assists clients with designing and implementing vapor intrusion mitigation for a variety of projects including existing and new commercial, residential, industrial, and mixed-use structures. Deepa Gandhi will provide a platform presentation on Isolated Sub-Slab Depressurization: An “Active” Alternative with Long-Term Advantages at the Association for Environmental Health and Sciences (AEHS) Annual West Coast Conference in March. Join Ms….Read More

Allen and Schlater to present at NorCal PUG 2020 Sharing Technologies Seminar

EKI supported the City of Pacifica in replacing approximately 16,000 lineal feet of sanitary sewer mains using pipe bursting in the roadway and backyard Public Utility Easements (PUE). EKI’s team provided project management, construction management, and facilitated public outreach meetings. Taylor Allen, Nelson Schlater and the City of Pacifica will share how community outreach and engaged staff delivered an…Read More

Michelle King Joins CCLR Board

Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) has appointed EKI President Michelle King, PhD to its board of directors.  King will advise on a variety of strategies and initiatives to further CCLR’s goals. Dr. King has over three decades of environmental consulting experience focused on property transactions, redevelopment projects, and site…Read More

Michelle King Nominated for NCRE 2019 Women of Influence Award

Congratulations to Michelle King, PhD on her nomination for the Northern California Real Estate Women of Influence Award.  Michelle is President of EKI and a mentor for Women in Environment.  As an environmental consultant, Michelle has been involved in property transactions, redevelopment projects, and site remediation to facilitate planned re-use throughout…Read More

Jenn Hyman to Lead Mentoring Workshop at Women in Construction Conference

EKI Director of Engineering and Vice President, Jenn Hyman, PE, LEED AP is committed to helping other women succeed in technical careers and is excited to be invited to present at the Women in Construction conference. The two-day event is filled with workshops for career development, opportunities to improve soft skills, and networking with women in the construction industry.


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Christopher Heppner to Present at GRA’s Second Annual Western Groundwater Congress

EKI Supervising Hydrogeologist Christopher Heppner, PhD, PG will speak at the Groundwater Resources Association of California (GRA) Second Annual Western Groundwater Congress in Sacramento. This 3-day event (September 17-19, 2019) is the premiere technical conference in California, with multiple tracks in water resources and contaminant hydrogeology. Dr. Heppner’s talk will present a comparative review of several of the various…Read More