Ms. Dutton has over twenty years of professional experience managing and conducting water resources projects. She has managed multi-million dollar efforts to secure reliable water supplies for water agencies and developers, including leading the technical efforts to minimize the water footprint of new and existing development, assessing groundwater and surface water supply yields, installing groundwater wells, securing water transfer options, and evaluating the feasibility of developing new water supply sources such as recycled water, desalination water, and other non-potable sources (stormwater, rainwater, and greywater).
Ms. Dutton is deeply involved in Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) implementation throughout the State, including provision of strategic and technical support for Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) formation and administration and Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) development and implementation. Her work to support public sector clients has included conducting Water Supply Assessments, developing Water Supply Master Plans, and preparing Urban Water Management Plans and Water Conservation Plans. She has provided technical and strategic support to her clients on a broad range of complex water-related and environmental issues, including litigation support and basin adjudication proceedings. Having worked in both the private and public sectors, Ms. Dutton brings a unique perspective to her work to meet the needs of her municipal, private, and attorney clients.