On 20 October 2021, the APWA Silicon Valley held their Annual Chapter Awards ceremony to recognize the nominees and the winners for the public works project of the year award.
The City of Brisbane received the Honorable Mention Award for the Utilities Category in the $2 – $5 Million division for the Fire Main Replacement Project – Phase 2. Daniel Gonzales, APWA Chapter President presented the award to the City’s Deputy Director of Public Works Jerry Flanagan and Engineering Technician Bob Sage, along with EKI’s Supervising Engineer Jonathan Sutter, P.E. This project replaced approximately 5,100 linear feet of water main to improve the potable water system’s capacity to supply fire flows in a residential area located along San Bruno Mountain at the wildlife-urban interface. EKI is proud to be involved in the design and construction management of the project.
All work was within a residential area characterized by narrow streets, hilly terrain with extensive bedrock, and existing utilities that covered a significant footprint in the project area. To minimize impacts, Mr. Sutter and the EKI team developed a unique approach that included installing a temporary bypass line to maintain water service during construction and removing and replacing the permanent pipe in the existing trench. Significant planning went into developing the approach, including preparing a sequencing and temporary bypass plan during design, that ultimately reduced the risk of delays, change orders, and extended loss of water service.
Join us in congratulating The City of Brisbane for a successfully planned, designed, and executed project to improve infrastructure and system operations and public safety.