The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) is hosting PFAS: Slippery Slope or Manageable Risk for Property Transactions and Redevelopment? 2020 Update Webinar on 28 May 2020. EKI’s Dr. Corey Carpenter will be presenting alongside Trisha Blau of Aon Insurance and Dr. Nicole Fry of the California Water Board to introduce the brownfields community to the potential implications of PFAS, discuss current tools to evaluate and address risks for property transactions and redevelopment projects and provide updates of underwriting and claims in the insurance industry. The webinar will provide industry professionals with insight into the forthcoming California Water Board Environmental Screening Levels (ESLs), PFAS data recently collected at landfills, airports and water supply wells in response to Water Board directives in addition to offering context and tools for redevelopment projects throughout the US.
Corey M.G. Carpenter, PhD – EKI Environment & Water, Inc.
Corey Carpenter, PhD has over seven years of experience in environmental monitoring including micropollutant (e.g., pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides, PFAS, etc.) identification, measurement, and treatment in water resources. He received his MS and PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Cornell University. His PhD research focused on improving our understanding of the sources, fate, and transport of micropollutants in surface waters. His research has global environmental implications through providing improved water quality knowledge. He joined EKI in 2019 to provide support to engineering and remediation projects including emerging contaminant investigations.
Nicole Fry, PhD – San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Toxics Cleanup Division
Nicole Fry, PhD is a research scientist with the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board in the Toxics Cleanup Division. She has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of California at Santa Cruz. She joined the Regional Water Board in 2015 to provide support reviewing risk assessments, providing risk communication, and managing cleanup cases. Currently, she is a member of the San Francisco Water Board’s Environmental Screening Levels team and the CalEPA Vapor Intrusion Workgroup.
Trisha Blau, Managing Director Environmental Services Group, AON San Francisco
Trisha Blau is a member of Aon’s Environmental Practice based in the San Francisco office. She draws on her experience in insurance and environmental consulting to assist companies in evaluating their environmental risks and structuring coverage for property transactions and redevelopment, mergers and acquisitions, Brownfield redevelopments, site cleanups and liability transfers for both public and private clients.
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