At the Salmonid Restoration Federation’s 38th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference, EKI’s Jenn Hyman and project team members will discuss the Upper York Creek Dam Removal Project in the concurrent session “Sediment: Management Challenges and the Foundation of Habitat.” The Upper York Creek Dam Removal Project has been in the planning stages for about 15 years and is currently on track for implementation in the Fall of 2020. York Creek is one of the most significant spawning and rearing streams in the Napa River watershed for Central California Coast ESU steelhead. Removal of the dam is expected to open up about 1.5 miles of steelhead spawning habitat upstream of the dam and improve habitat to reaches below the dam by reintroducing sediment sufficient for spawning.
The session will compare the evolution of the design approach for the dam removal project, starting in 2005, when the first designs were prepared, to the updated design prepared in 2019 by WRA, which takes a regenerative approach.
Not Just a Steelhead Passage Project: Removal of the Upper York Creek Dam for Restoration of Sediment Transport after Over 100 years of Aggradation
Sediment: Management Challenges and the Foundation of Habitat
38th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference
31 March – 3 April 2020 | Cocoanut Grove, Santa Cruz, CA