OCTOBER WEBINAR – PFAS: Slippery Slope or Manageable Risk for Property Transactions and Redevelopment?

The webinar will focus on evaluating and addressing (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) PFAS risks on your property transactions and redevelopment projects.
PFAScinating panelists will discuss the implications of PFAS on property transactions and redevelopment projects.
Topics will include:
  1. Regulatory Landscape
  2. Insurance Industry Perspective
  3. Tools for the Redevelopment Community


About the Panelists

ED CONTI, Principal Geologist
EKI Environment & Water, Inc.
Ed Conti is a professional geologist with more than 25 years of experience working on groundwater and surface water quality projects, with emphasis on stormwater management, site characterization, remedial design and implementation, risk-based corrective action, brownfields redevelopment, water quality and waste discharge permitting, regulatory negotiation, and litigation support.  He holds a BA in geology from Cornell University and a MS in geology from Duke University.

Minnesota Department of Health, Co-Chair of ITRC PFAS Team

Ginny Yingling has worked as a hydrogeologist for the state of Minnesota for 25 years, investigating hazardous waste and petroleum leak sites. Since 2004, she has been the Minnesota Department of Health’s lead investigator on PFAS, including a major PFAS groundwater contamination site in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area that affects the drinking water of over 125,000 residents. Ginny is also the co-chair of the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council’s (ITRC) PFAS team. She holds a BS in geology from the Pennsylvania State University and a MS in geology from the University of Wyoming.

TRISHA BLAU, Environmental Services Group Managing Director
Aon Risk Solutions
Trisha Blau has more than 20 years of environmental management experience. She has also had prior experience as a product line consultant for a major environmental insurance company as well as 10 years as an environmental consultant designing and managing remedial investigations and site cleanup programs. Her specialty is complex property and environmental liability transfers, including wrapping insurance and other complimentary solutions around reserved environmental liabilities. She holds an MS degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Central Florida and a BS degree in Biology from Stetson University. She is a licensed insurance and surplus lines broker in California as well as several other Western states.