EKI is pleased to share our past speaking engagements at the following events.
- Deepa Gandhi at the Association of Environmental Health and Sciences (“AEHS”) Foundation, 26th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy and Air – Mission Valley Marriott, San Diego, California, March 21-24, 2016.
- Michelle King at the Bloomberg BNA Webinar: Fine Tuning Environmental Due Diligence in a Dynamic Transactions Market, March 24, 2016.
- Anona Dutton at the Law Seminars International: A Comprehensive Conference on the Legislation for Sustainable Groundwater in California, The Mechanics and Implications of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (“SGMA”) on Water Resources, Land Use, Municipal and Agricultural Water Use – Courtyard Marriott, Sacramento Midtown, June 6 and 7, 2016.
We have provided a list of the topics and speakers, summaries of the presentations, and event information below.
AEHS 26th Annual International Conference
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 – Workshop 6, Session 1: NSZD and NAPL Management, 2:00 to 2:30 pm at the Sierra 5 Room
Topic: Yardsticks to Integrate Risk Assessment, Risk Management, and Groundwater Remediation
Speakers: Deepa Gandhi (EKI), Paul Hadley (DTSC, Retired), and Ravi Arulanantham (Geosyntec Consultants)
Presentation Summary: Remediation of contaminated sites has focused largely on restoration of groundwater aquifers. Often the stated remedial goal is to achieve conditions allowing unrestricted use and unrestricted exposure. Such total groundwater cleanup has occurred at some sites, but is the exception rather than the rule. At the same time, significant effort occurs to perform risk assessments for potential exposure to contaminants in groundwater at sites, both before and after remediation. The logical synergy between risk assessment and remediation is for risk management to seek opportunities for optimal use of groundwater based upon realistic expectations of cleanup technologies and the relevant acceptable residual (postremediation) levels of contaminants, similar to the approach taken in California’s Low-Threat LUFT Site Closure Policy. This presentation explores an approach to improve this synergistic relationship between risk assessment, risk management, and remediation for groundwater cleanups and encourages identification of additional categories of sites and other circumstances that are “low threat” and are primed for similar closure guidance.
For more information on this event, please visit: http://www.aehsfoundation.org/west-coast-conference.aspx
Bloomberg BNA Webinar
Thursday, March 24, 2016 – 10:30 am to 11:30 pm PST (1:00 pm to 2:30 pm EST)
Topic: Fine Tuning Environmental Diligence in a Dynamic Transactions Market
Speaker: Michelle King (EKI), Peggy Otum (Arnold & Porter LLP) and Mary Ellen Ternes (Crowe & Dunlevy)
Presentation Summary: This webinar will focus on applying best practices for strategizing and forming environmental due diligence structures that will help in dealing with various property transactional challenges. In recent years, short due diligence periods, competitive auctions, and seller-biased contract terms, have posed legal and environmental challenges to prospective buyers in “closing the deal.” Learn different perspectives from our expert environmental lawyers and consultants and how they work hand-in-hand to help you navigate potentially risky transactions. Discussion on all-appropriate inquiry (AAI) standard environmental site assessments and vapor intrusion are also included.
Use discount code FIRMDISC25 and get 25% off when you register.
For more information on this event, please visit: http://www.bna.com/fine-tuning-environmental-m57982067387/
Law Seminars International: A Comprehensive Conference on the Legislation for Sustainable Groundwater in California
Tuesday, June 7, 2016 – 10:45 am, Courtyard Marriott, Sacramento Midtown or via webcast
Topic: State Implementation Initiatives and Project Assistance Resources
Speakers: Anona Dutton (EKI) and Dan McManus (DWR)
Presentation Summary: This presentation will discuss the draft Groundwater Sustainability Plan regulations and strategic approaches to fulfilling the requirements, including securing funding, establishing appropriate baselines and triggers, designating management areas, collecting “no regrets” data, developing conceptual and numerical water budgets and models, and managing plan and project implementation. Anona will also discuss inter-agency and intra-basin coordination and finding the appropriate balance between certainty, control and cost.
For more information on this event, please visit: http://www.lawseminars.com