EKI is pleased to announce our experts presenting at the following events:
- Kat Wuelfing at the California-Nevada Section of American Water Works Association’s (CA-NV AWWA’s) Annual Fall Conference – “Water in the Wild West – Innovation and Resiliency” on October 24 – 25, 2017 in Reno, NV.
- Vera Nelson at the Law Seminar International’s (LSI’s) 5th Annual Advanced Conference – “Tribal Water Law in California” on October 26 – 27, 2017 in Valley Center, CA.
- Deepa Gandhi at the Bar Association of San Francisco’s (SF Bar)’s Seminar – “Environmental Law Basics: Understanding Hazardous Waste” on November 2, 2017 in San Francisco, CA.
We have provided a list of the topics and speakers, summaries of presentations, and event information below.
CA-NV AWWA Annual Fall Conference – “Water in the Wild West – Innovation and Resiliency”
Topic: **Streamlining Water Conservation Program Implementation in a Post-Drought World
Speakers: Kat Wuelfing (EKI) and Andy Florendo (Solano County Water Agency)
Presentation Summary: The presentation is about a study conducted by the Solano County Water Agency (SCWA) to identify ways to better target and streamline their single-family residential water conservation programs, given the changing water conservation landscape at post-drought conditions. The world of water conservation is evolving in large part due to changes in minimum fixture efficiencies and conservation program saturation from years of successful customer participation. Many agencies are finding a growing need to evaluate and redesign their current water conservation programs in a way that responds to these changes and still addresses the needs of their customers and agencies. EKI is working with SCWA, a wholesale water agency that provides regional water conservation services, to evaluate this next phase of conservation program design.
** This talk will be presented twice on:
1) Tuesday, Oct. 24 – Session 5 – Communications and Customer Relations, 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm, Room A5, Reno Sparks Convention Center
2) Wednesday, Oct. 25 – Session 15 A – Water Management Efficiency, 10:30 am to 11:00 pm, Room A5, Reno Sparks Convention Center
Topic: Taking the Temperature on Drought Response Effectiveness
Speakers: Kat Wuelfing (EKI) and Andree Johnson (Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency)
Presentation Summary: Participants in this season will learn about the relative effectiveness of drought response actions taken by the Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency and its diverse 26 urban retail member agencies. The talk will include a discussion how to prioritize, prepare for, and coordinate efforts to respond to future droughts at both a regional and agency-level.
Wednesday, Oct. 25 – Session 15 A – Water Management Efficiency, 10:00 am to 10:30 am, Room A5, Reno Sparks Convention Center
For more information: CA-NV-AWWA.ORG
LSI 5th Annual Advanced Conference – Tribal Water Law in California
Topic: Effective Tribal Participation in Development of Future GSPs
Speaker: Vera Nelson, P.E. (EKI) and Theodore Griswold, Esq. (Procopio Cory Hargreaves & Savitch LLP)
Presentation Summary: This presentation will discuss what Tribes need to know about the Department of Water Resources regulations for plan contents and planning timelines; minimum thresholds; what happens if the minimum thresholds are below state standards; coordination requirements; and evaluation and reporting provisions. It will also cover processes for challenging Groundwater Sustainability Plans including forums; standing; standards for review; and tips for participating in plan development with the possibility of appeal in mind.
Thursday, Oct. 26 at 10:45 am, Harrah’s Resort Southern California
For more information: www.lawseminars.com
The Bar Association of San Francisco Seminar – “Environmental Law Basics: Understanding Hazardous Waste”
Topic: Regulating Hazardous Waste Today
Speakers: Deepa Gandhi, P.E. (EKI), Letitia Moore, Esq. (U.S. EPA), Juliet Cho, Esq. (Burke Williams & Sorenson, LLP)
Presentation Summary: This talk will discuss how hazardous waste is regulated from cradle to grave – what wastes are regulated, what activities are regulated, and how permits are issued and appealed.
Thursday, Nov. 2 at 9:00 am to 12 noon, BASF Conference Center
For more information: www.sfbar.org