At EKI, we strive to foster a culture that is built on trust, respect, teamwork, creativity, and empowerment.

Our staff comprises an effective mix of disciplines, including environmental engineers, civil engineers, chemical engineers, chemists, geologists, hydrologists, and environmental scientists.  This complementary mix is an asset to understanding and effectively resolving a wide variety of complex technical challenges.

EKI’s officers, senior project managers and senior staff have many years of experience providing environmental and water, wastewater, and water resources services.  Most of these individuals have been together at EKI for 10 years or more.  This continuity promotes teamwork that allows EKI to efficiently devise innovative solutions for our clients’ technical, financial, and regulatory constraints.  The low turnover of our staff permits the development of long-term relationships with our clients.

Information about our officers, senior project managers, and senior staff is provided below:

Ayman Alafifi, PE, PhD

Technical Innovation Lead | Senior Water Resources Engineer

Contact: | (650) 394-6017 | VCF Card
Education: Ph.D, Water Resources Engineering, Utah State University, 2017
M.S., Environmental Strategy and Sustainable Development, University of Surrey, 2010
B.S., Civil Engineering, The Islamic University of Gaza, 2008
Years of Experience: 10 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Alafifi has over 10 years of experience in water resources engineering, data science, business intelligence, and the development of decision-support tools. He is proficient in designing and developing simulation and optimization models and interactive dashboards to streamline the planning and operations of hydraulic and hydrologic systems and improve communication of outputs. He served as the technical lead for public and private modeling efforts, environmental sustainability initiatives, climate resiliency plans, and infrastructure simulations and operational optimization projects. Mr. Alafifi is also experienced in hydraulic modeling. He has conducted stormwater modeling and has created interactive dashboards for stormwater master planning projects.

Alexandra C. Aranha, PE, CPESC, QSP/QSD

Environmental/Civil Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-9124 | VCF Card
Education: M.S., Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology, Stanford University, 2007
B.S., Environmental Engineering, Columbia University, 2006
Years of Experience: 16 years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Aranha is a project manager and environmental engineer with 16 years of consulting experience working with corporate, industrial and institutional clients on infrastructure, hazardous waste, wastewater, stormwater, brownfields redevelopment, and long-term environmental monitoring projects. Ms. Aranha has particular expertise in remediation and redevelopment of sites impacted by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and hazardous waste management and profiling. Ms. Aranha also provides regulatory compliance support for construction and industrial stormwater under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits.

Ms. Aranha’s project experience includes the preparation of Phase I environmental site assessments (ESAs) to support property transactions; project cost estimation and budget tracking; preparation and implementation of field sampling plans; site characterization and completion report preparation; preparation of spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) plans; and construction management.

Brad J. Arnold, PE, BC.WRE

Water Resources Engineer & Planner

Contact: | (262) 490-2271 | VCF Card
Education: M.S., Water Resources Engineering, University of California, Davis 2018
M.S., Agricultural & Natural Resources Engineering, University of California, Davis 2013
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Milwaukee School of Engineering, 2010
Years of Experience: 10 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Arnold has over ten years of professional and research experience managing water resources planning projects for utility suppliers and agencies. He is experienced in supply planning and analyses, policy navigation, watershed program management, and water rights issues. He has supported several agencies with optimization of supply allocation systems, long-term resource planning by understanding and resolving supply-demand issues, rights protection, and climate considerations. He has been supporting Groundwater Sustainability Planning and Implementation through hydrologic modeling and analyses tools development. Mr. Arnold has provided support for a wide range of integrated studies and plans, technical analyses, and outreach for Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM), River Basin Planning, and with California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) program.


Corey M.G. Carpenter, PhD, PE, QSD/P

Associate Environmental Engineer

Contact: | (650) 781-4528 | VCF Card
Education: Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, 2019
M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, 2016
B.S., Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University, 2014
Years of Experience: 5 years

Technical Specialties:

Dr. Carpenter is a project manager and environmental engineer with over five years of professional experience in environmental due diligence, remediation, and redevelopment projects. His work includes planning, managing, and conducting environmental investigations and remediation of organic and inorganic chemicals such as chlorinated solvents (CVOCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, pesticides, and per‐ and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) in soil, soil vapor, groundwater, surface water, and air. He performs construction observation services and contractor management for every stage of complex investigation, remediation, and redevelopment projects. Additionally, Dr. Carpenter’s previous work in organic chemistry laboratories has provided experience in a variety of analytical measurement techniques, including the identification of PFAS and emerging contaminants. He stays apprised with the evolving regulatory requirements related to emerging contaminants and has assisted clients identify and remediate the affected media to provide a safe and healthy environment. Dr. Carpenter is published in peer-reviewed journals related to emerging contaminant identification, monitoring, and treatment.

Tyler F. Colyer, PE

Supervising Civil Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-9065 | VCF Card
Education: M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2010
B.S., Environmental Engineering, University of California, Riverside, 2009
Years of Experience: 13 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Colyer is a Professional Civil Engineer with thirteen years of experience in design, planning, and construction management of potable water, wastewater, and recycled water infrastructure, as well as experience in water quality and water resources planning. He has developed and managed all phases of design, project management, construction management, budgeting, scheduling, permitting, and coordinating with and on behalf of, private clients and municipalities. He has worked with multidiscipline design teams on projects related to water treatment systems, pipelines, tanks, pump stations, water wells, aquifer storage and recovery, and other related infrastructure. Additionally, Mr. Colyer has assisted clients with master planning, regulatory compliance documents, and funding strategies and applications. He taken projects from feasibility-level planning through to project construction and completion, and brings this holistic experience to each project.

Edward P. Conti, PG, CEG, CHg, QISP/ToR

Vice President and Principal Geologist

Contact: | (415) 302-5625 | VCF Card
Education: Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, M.S. Geology, 1987
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, B.A. Geology, 1983
Years of Experience: 30 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Edward Conti is a professional geologist with more than thirty years of experience working on groundwater and surface water quality projects, with emphasis on stormwater management, site characterization, remedial design and implementation, risk-based correction action, brownfields redevelopment, water quality and waste discharge permitting, regulatory negotiation, and litigation support.  Mr. Conti has directed projects throughout the U.S. and is recognized for his expertise at leading strategic negotiations with regulatory agencies during development of orders and permits, including National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits and waste discharge requirements for stormwater and industrial wastewater, and during enforcement proceedings.  His work has included assessment of industrial processes that affect wastewater and stormwater quality, toxicity evaluations, and evaluation of wastewater and stormwater treatment alternatives.

Mr. Conti has worked on due diligence assignments associated with mergers and acquisitions throughout U.S., in Canada, and in Europe. Many of these projects involved completing due diligence of, and assessing potential environmental liabilities associated with large portfolios of properties.  Facilities evaluated have included fleet vehicle maintenance, car rental, steel production, resort and manufacturing.

Engaging regularly in strategic consultation related to litigation support and regulatory compliance, Mr. Conti has provided expert consultation on culpability and cost allocation involving complex, commingled groundwater plumes; discharge of chemicals to surface water and sediment, herbicides allegedly related to forestry operations in a surface water drinking water supply; discharges of mine drainage to surface water bodies; and discharges of wood treatment chemicals including dioxins to groundwater, surface water, and sediment. He has been tasked as lead technical negotiator with regulatory agencies and agency counsel (state Attorneys General) at critical stages of enforcement and penalty determination and has followed many projects through to successful outcomes.

Mr. Conti’s work often involves characterization and remediation of dioxins in the environment.  These efforts include evaluating alternative, cost-effective chemical analysis methods and dioxin treatment technologies. His work related to dioxins has been presented at international conferences related to persistent organic pollutants.

Claudia A. Cuadrado, PE

Senior Environmental Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3053 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, M.S. in Environmental Engineering, 2004
Universidad Catolica de Chile, Master of Engineering Services, 2000
Universidad Catolica de Chile, Environmental Engineer, 2000
Universidad Catolica de Chile, Bachelor of Engineering Science, 1998
Years of Experience: 14 years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Cuadrado has over twelve years of environmental work experience at EKI.  Ms. Cuadrado’s experience includes site characterization and remediation projects, human health risk assessments, development of site-specific cleanup levels, air dispersion modeling, and data analysis.  Ms. Cuadrado has prepared documents such as Removal Action Workplans, Remedial Action Plans, remediation cost estimates, site investigation work plans, health and safety plans, human health risk assessments, sampling protocols, five year reviews, and provided data analysis using GIS and Microsoft Access.

John T. DeWitt, PE

Vice President

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3055 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, M.S. in Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering and Science), 1991
Stanford University, B.S. in Applied Earth Sciences, 1989
Years of Experience: 27 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. DeWitt is an environmental engineer with over twenty-seven years of wide-ranging experience in water, wastewater, and hazardous waste projects for municipalities, government agencies, and private clients. His project experience includes facilities engineering, process design, groundwater and industrial wastewater treatment, and hazardous materials abatement. Mr. DeWitt has also held key roles on several engineering projects, including engineering design and design review.  He has provided construction observation services for soil and groundwater remediation and is experienced with construction management and contract administration. Mr. DeWitt also evaluates technologies as part of feasibility studies, preparing cost estimates, and designing remediation. Mr. DeWitt coordinates quality assurance and quality control efforts for EKI.

Anona L. Dutton, PG, CHg

Vice President/Director of Water Resources & Engineering/Chair of the Board of Directors

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3060 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, M.S. in Hydrogeology, 2000
Stanford University, B.S. in Environmental Science, 1998
Years of Experience: 20+ years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Dutton has over twenty years of professional experience managing and conducting water resources projects. She has managed multi-million dollar efforts to secure reliable water supplies for water agencies and developers, including leading the technical efforts to minimize the water footprint of new and existing development, assessing groundwater and surface water supply yields, installing groundwater wells, securing water transfer options, and evaluating the feasibility of developing new water supply sources such as recycled water, desalination water, and other non-potable sources (stormwater, rainwater, and greywater).

Ms. Dutton is deeply involved in Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) implementation throughout the State, including provision of strategic and technical support for Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) formation and administration and Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) development and implementation. Her work to support public sector clients has included conducting Water Supply Assessments, developing Water Supply Master Plans, and preparing Urban Water Management Plans and Water Conservation Plans. She has provided technical and strategic support to her clients on a broad range of complex water-related and environmental issues, including litigation support and basin adjudication proceedings. Having worked in both the private and public sectors, Ms. Dutton brings a unique perspective to her work to meet the needs of her municipal, private, and attorney clients.

Meredith Durant, PE

Senior Environmental Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-2750 | VCF Card
Education: Engineer Degree, Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 1987
MEng, Civil Engineering, Cornell University, 1979
B.S., Civil Engineering, Cornell University, 1978
Years of Experience: 40 years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Durant has forty years of experience as an environmental engineer and project manager, having worked in industry and in environmental consulting for private- and public-sector clients. Her technical experience includes management of soil and groundwater investigations, management of facility closure and remediation projects, environmental assessment and permitting to support property redevelopment, implementation of environmental regulatory compliance programs, and wastewater facilities planning and permitting. She maintains a working knowledge of site investigation/remediation, storm water, wastewater and hazardous waste permitting, groundwater permitting, and environmental compliance processes. She is currently participating in the implementation of a Groundwater Sustainability Plan for a subbasin in California’s Central Valley.

Nathan Epler, PhD, PG

Principal Hydrogeologist

Contact: | (860) 325-7771 | VCF Card
Education: Ph.D., Geochemistry, State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1991
M.S., Geology, State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1986
B.S. Geology, Queens College, City University of New York, 1983
Years of Experience: 33 years

Technical Specialties:

Dr. Nathan Epler is a Principal-Level Hydrogeologist, having over 33 years of experience in site assessment, site remediation, chemical fate and transport evaluations and as an environmental expert witness. Dr. Epler has extensive expertise in evaluating the timing of releases, geochemistry and the fate and transport of environmental contaminants in soil, soil vapor, and groundwater, including emerging contaminants, pesticides and herbicides, light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) and dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), in unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers. Dr. Epler has managed remedial investigations at major industrial facilities, petroleum refineries, Manufactured Gas Plant and Brownfield redevelopment sites throughout the United States. He has designed and supervised the installation of large-scale remedial systems at Superfund Sites throughout the northeast. He has experience in the computer modeling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport at Federal Superfund sites, large petroleum terminal and industrial Sites, including sites impacted by mixed plumes of volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination, and has a proven track record of obtaining Site closure.

Steve Figgins


Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3122 | VCF Card
Education: University of Arizona, MBA, 1986
University of Arizona, B.S. in Electro-Magnetic Geophysics, 1982
Years of Experience: 37 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Figgins has over 37 years of experience as a Geophysicist with a focus on site characterization, remediation, and litigation support. He has been involved in determining the most applicable remediation approaches for various hydrogeological targets in soil and groundwater.  Mr. Figgins has worked closely with a variety of regulatory agencies in providing creative approaches on clients’ behalf to accelerate the site closure process.  He has served as a strong client advocate and has provided litigation support for a variety of impacted sites.  Mr. Figgins has a thorough understanding of insurance company issues and concerns and managing claims with mediators.  He also has provided review of geophysical, hydrogeological, and remediation work plans, and data sets and final interpretations. He has provided environmental remediation workshops to state and local agency regulators and served on the DTSC Director’s External Advisory Board for eight years.  In addition to his technical roles, Mr. Figgins has held several operational and business development positions involving office and regional management, and market sector and national accounts management.

John Fio

Principal Hydrogeologist

Contact: | (530) 341-2848 x 3110 | VCF Card
Education: University of California, Davis, M.S. in Civil Engineering, 1987
University of California, Davis, B.S. in Soil and Water Science, 1984
Years of Experience: 31 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Fio is a hydrogeologist with more than thirty years of experience in providing solutions to hydrologic challenges by analyzing groundwater systems, quantifying chemical transport in the subsurface, and evaluating groundwater surface-water interactions. He provides Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) support for basins in California to assist with basin management, compliance with SGMA and Groundwater Sustainability Plan development. His tool box includes numerical modeling and chemical, isotopic, and age-dating techniques. He is highly skilled in groundwater-flow modeling, chemical fate and transport modeling and geochemical modeling. He also designs water management plans, establishes water quality monitoring programs, conducts and analyzes aquifer tests. His work is published in numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and government reports.

Deepa Gandhi, PE

Principal Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3090 | VCF Card
Education: University of California at Davis, M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2001
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, B.S., Civil Engineering,1999
Years of Experience: 22 years

Technical Specialties:

Deepa Gandhi specializes in the management of complex sites, the evaluation of environmental data, and litigation support, particularly for property redevelopment. Ms. Gandhi has managed projects over a wide range of sizes, including multiple-site client portfolios. She has particular expertise with redevelopment (entitlements through construction), due diligence, and property transactions.

Ms. Gandhi has developed closure strategies, management plans, and liability assessments for the purposes of project forecasting and strategic business decision-making using scale appropriate approaches—from formal decision-analysis models to complex spreadsheet-based forecasting tools to simple engineer’s estimates.

Ms. Gandhi’s remediation engineering expertise includes design and implementation of groundwater treatment and vapor intrusion mitigation systems, including innovative remediation technologies to address environmental contamination (chlorinated solvents, PCBs, perchlorate, chromium, and petroleum hydrocarbons). Ms. Gandhi also provides litigation support, from testifying and consulting expert services to technical expertise for brownfields property transactions.

Karen A. Gruebel, PhD

Principal Geochemist/ Environmental Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3058 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering Science, 1991
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, M.S. in Marine Science, 1981
University of New York, Binghamton, B.S. in Geology, 1979
Years of Experience: 37 years

Technical Specialties:

Dr. Gruebel is a geochemist and environmental engineer with over thirty-five years of experience in field, laboratory, and modeling techniques used to evaluate the fate and mobility of organic and inorganic constituents.  Dr. Gruebel designs and implements in situ remediation in aquifers, as well as evaluates treatment techniques for drinking water, wastewater, and acid drainage.  Her academic training and project experience include aqueous geochemistry, geology, hydrogeology, hydrologic and geochemical modeling and monitoring, and traditional wastewater and potable water engineering, and hydrologic and geochemical modeling and monitoring. Dr. Gruebel is an active member of the ITRC PFAS team evaluating the fate and transport of PFOA, PFOS and other poly- and perfluoroalkly substances. Dr. Gruebel also has extensive experience working on EPA Superfund Sites governed by CERCLA and has helped clients negotiate Statements of Work with EPA to promote flexible and streamlined work scopes.  Dr. Gruebel has directed the preparation of numerous work plans, treatability studies, and design-associated documents, with an eye toward implementing effective remedies at reasonable capital and operating cost.

Logan Hansen, PG

Senior Geologist

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3059 | VCF Card
Education: California State University, San Francisco, B.S. in Geology, 1998
Years of Experience: 18 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Hansen has eighteen years of professional experience in planning, managing, and conducting scientific and technical investigations.  He has conducted numerous subsurface investigations of soil and groundwater contamination resulting from various chemicals including chlorinated solvents, polychlorinated biphenyls, petroleum hydrocarbons, agricultural pesticides, metals, and leaking underground storage tanks containing fuels and solvents.  He also performs construction observation services and contractor management for remediation projects.  Mr. Hansen is experienced with various methods of soil and groundwater characterization, sample collection, soil boring logging techniques, and preparing and interpreting geologic cross-sections.

Christopher S. Heppner, PhD, PG

Supervising Hydrogeologist

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3075 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, Ph.D. in Hydrogeology, 2007
Brown University, B.S. in Geology/Biology, 1998
Years of Experience: 15 years

Technical Specialties:

Dr. Heppner has fifteen years of experience conducting hydrogeologic investigations in both applied and research settings.  His work has included aquifer test planning, performance, and analysis; basin safe yield and groundwater supply sufficiency assessments; groundwater flow and solute transport analytical and numerical modeling in support of hazardous waste site investigations and remedial action efficacy evaluations; watershed hydrologic response and sediment transport modeling; research into unsaturated flow and recharge processes in fractured rock; development and application of hydrologic models and data analysis tools; assessment of stream channel geomorphology; and collection of hydrologic field data in multiple environments.  Dr. Heppner has published articles in peer-reviewed journals related to recharge in fractured rock settings, watershed-scale hydrologic response simulation, and sediment transport modeling, and has presented at conferences on topics including basin sustainable yield estimation and salinity in shallow groundwater.

Paul B. Hoffey

Principal Environmental Scientist

Contact: | (720) 200-3150 | VCF Card
Education: The University of Iowa, B.S. in Physical Geography/Minor in Geology, 1984
Years of Experience: 39 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Hoffey has thirty-nine years of environmental consulting experience in conducting environmental investigations in California and throughout the U.S. He has extensive experience in preparing Phase I ESAs consistent with the ASTM guidance and the U.S. EPA AAI rule to support property transactions, design and management of soil and groundwater investigation and remediation projects, performance of environmental audits of chemical use facilities, interpretation of geologic, hydrologic and chemical data, and coordination between clients and regulatory agencies to achieve site and facility closures. Mr. Hoffey manages the environmental due diligence program for a world-class electronics manufacturing firm.

Gary Hokkanen

Vice President and Principal Hydrogeologist

Contact: | (650) 292-2835 | VCF Card
Education: University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, M.S. in Hydrogeology
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, B.S. in Civil Engineering
Years of Experience: 39 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Hokkanen is an engineer and hydrogeologist with more than 39 years of experience in the investigation and remediation of contaminated properties and has been retained as a testifying expert over the past 15 years. He has developed and defended opinions relating to a wide variety of sites and contaminants involving cost allocation, National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) compliance, groundwater flow systems, fate and transport of contaminants in groundwater, standard of care, and source identification. Mr. Hokkanen has developed numerous expert reports, been deposed over 20 times, and testified in five trials.

Mr. Hokkanen started his career in 1980 at the Region 9 office of the US Environmental Protection Agency and helped develop the first Superfund National Priority List. He has been in the environmental consulting field since and has worked on numerous contaminated sites in over 30 states and Canada.

Christopher Ingalls

Principal Geologist

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3109 | VCF Card
Education: Keller Graduate School of Management, M.S. of Project Management, 2000
University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.S., Geology and Geophysics, Environmental Studies, 1994
Years of Experience: 25+ years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Ingalls has over 25 years of experience as an environmental geologist and project manager. He manages the planning, development, and implementation of long-range remedial environmental solutions in response to environmental investigations and property assessments to reduce environmental risk and protect company assets. Mr. Ingalls excels in directing and coordinating client responses and solutions with business plans; federal, state, and local environmental regulations; and real estate matters. Public and private clients value Mr. Ingalls’ ability to negotiate remediation solutions with environmental regulatory agencies and other stakeholders to minimize regulatory impact and compliance damages.

Earl James, PG

Vice President

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3126 | VCF Card
Education: California State University, Hayward, M.S. in Environmental Geology, 1982
California State University, Hayward, B.S. in Geology, 1977
Years of Experience: 41 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. James is a Principal geologist with thirty-nine years of experience in providing scientific support for and managing geoscience investigations and construction projects.  He has particular experience in managing large, complex brownfield redevelopment projects in urban environments.  He is familiar with the geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and engineering techniques applicable to the study of subsurface problems and the development and implementation of remedial measures.  He has worked on projects involving both the extraction and injection of fluids in a wide variety of geologic environments.  His experience includes evaluations of contaminated sites, oil fields, and geothermal fields.  He has served as project manager, project geologist, and expert witness for litigation on a wide variety of projects.

Donna Kask

Senior Environmental Scientist

Contact: | (650) 292-9146 | VCF Card
Education: Southern Connecticut State University, B.S. in Biology, 2000
Years of Experience: 20 years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Kask is a collaborative project manager with twenty years of experience managing and providing technical support for environmental assessment, remediation, and compliance projects across New England. Ms. Kask provides technical and regulatory management in state programs including the Connecticut Property Transfer Act Program and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP).  She has worked with clients and regulators to develop and achieve project objectives for TSCA sites, former manufactured gas plants (MGP), dry cleaners, bulk petroleum facilities, bank and financial centers, industrial and commercial facilities, retail commercial properties, and gasoline service stations. Ms. Kask is experienced in environmental due diligence, vapor intrusion studies and mitigation, and the evaluation and implementation of a wide-range of remedial technologies such as in-situ remediation, DNAPL and LNAPL recovery systems, soil vapor extraction, air sparging, dual phase extraction, soil excavation and engineered controls.

Michelle K. King, PhD


Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3063 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, 1993
Stanford University, M.S. in Environmental Engineering, 1987
Princeton University, B.S.E. in Geological Engineering, 1985
Years of Experience: 34 years

Technical Specialties:

As President, Dr. King is responsible for the overall direction and quality control of industrial, scientific and engineering services. Her experience and background is in environmental chemistry, geological engineering, and environmental engineering. She specializes in working with clients and regulatory agencies to facilitate risk-based remedial actions for redevelopment of contaminated properties and former military bases, transfer of environmental cleanup responsibility at military bases, overseeing and performing human health risk assessments, performance of site assessments including vapor intrusion assessments, and evaluation of the fate and mobility of organic and inorganic chemicals in soil and aqueous environments. She also directs investigations of aquifers containing VOCs and metals, evaluations of groundwater treatment systems, and assessments of the potential for chemical transformations. Dr. King plays a key role in evaluating chemical and physical data from the field and identifying the processes that potentially control the ultimate fate of the chemicals of concern in environmental systems.

Wai Kwan, PhD, PE

Supervising Environmental Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-9137 | VCF Card
Education: Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003
M.S., Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999
B.S., Chemistry and Engineering & Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, 1997
Years of Experience: 20 years

Technical Specialties:

Dr. Kwan has over 20 years of experience in environmental consulting. He has applied his knowledge and expertise in environmental engineering, chemistry, and treatment technologies to evaluate, investigate, and remediate sites. Dr. Kwan has designed and implemented soil vapor extraction, chemical injections, permeable reactive barriers, and other technologies to address chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, and metals contamination in soil, groundwater, and soil vapor. He has experience working on commercial and industrial sites, including dry cleaners, petroleum refineries, and manufacturing facilities. Dr. Kwan has also provided technical expert support to insurance carriers and attorneys on environmental insurance and litigation matters.

Andree (Johnson) Lee

Vice President

Contact: | 650-292-9100 | VCF Card
Education: University of California, B.A., Geography & Environmental Studies, 2006
Years of Experience: 16 years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Lee has over sixteen years of professional experience performing and managing water resources projects. Her specialty is facilitating collaborative solutions to complex water management challenges among agencies and stakeholders. She is managing multi-million dollar efforts to plan for water resilience in the face of climate change, growth, and regulatory changes. Her experience includes leading regional and countywide supply planning efforts and securing water transfer options. She is also knowledgeable in evaluating the feasibility of developing new water supply sources such as ocean desalination, recycled water, groundwater banking, and non-potable sources. Andree is deeply involved in statewide water-use efficiency planning and has provided strategic and technical guidance for water-use efficiency planning and regulatory compliance, demand forecasting, advanced metering infrastructure planning, water loss management, and water-use efficiency program implementation. She has also supported her clients in securing grant and loan funding from federal and state sources. Her work with public sector clients has included conducting Water Supply Assessments, developing Water Supply Plans, preparing Urban Water Management & Water Conservation Plans, and conducting Water Supply Assessments. She has provided technical, strategic support, and facilitation services to her clients on complex water management issues. At the same time, she is a leader in statewide water policy as the Board Chairwoman of the Urban Water Institute.

Aaron J. Lewis, PE

Hydrogeologist / Water Resources Engineer

Contact: | 650-292-9108 | VCF Card
Education: M.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 2016
B.S., Geological & Earth Sciences, Stanford University, 2015
Years of Experience: 7 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Lewis has over seven years of consulting experience supporting public and private sector clients with integrated water resources management objectives, including the preparation and implementation of Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) in response to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Mr. Lewis’ specializes in the application of data science and statistical methods to inform hydrogeologic investigations, policy design, and strategic management initiatives. He leads the development of integrated numerical hydrologic, groundwater flow and solute transport models and accompanying Decision Support Tool platforms. He also has extensive experience providing litigation support services related to water supply and quality.

Hui Li, PE

Supervising Civil/Environmental Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-8402 | VCF Card
Education: M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2004
B.S., Environmental Engineering, Sichuan University, 1991
Years of Experience: 19 years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Li is a professional engineer with over 19 years of experience as an environmental engineer and project manager in the environmental industry. She has successfully managed and implemented projects from initiation to completion, including development of site conceptual models, oversight of field investigations, evaluation of data, reporting, preparation of feasibility studies, preparation of remedial action plans and design, completion of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process, implementation of remediation, regulatory communication, and obtaining case closure. She has developed relationships with regulatory caseworkers on projects overseen by U.S. EPA Region 9, various regions of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board), California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), Alameda County Environmental Health Department, Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health, Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), and other county and city agencies.

Ms. Li’s responsibilities have included managing large and small demolition and remediation projects, including multi-million-dollar superfund sites; developing and executing feasibility and pilot studies; leading in soil, groundwater, and soil vapor remedial design and construction management; managing design and construction of soil vapor mitigation systems; managing institutional controls and site management plans; overseeing soil, groundwater, and soil vapor sampling programs; and managing treatment system operation and maintenance (O&M). She is experienced in environmental permitting and applying expertise to sites contaminated with coal tar, petroleum, chlorinated solvents, manufacture gas plants wastes, and metals. She is experienced in storm drain systems and low impact development design.

Ms. Li has abundant experience working in environmental laboratories and has served as the lead chemist for large monitoring and remediation projects. She has also served as a technical resource in developing quality assurance project plans, sampling protocols, and data validation procedures.

Christina E. Lucero, PG


Contact: | (650) 292-9100 | VCF Card
Education: Geology, University of California, Davis, 2010

Years of Experience: 13 years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Lucero has thirteen years of experience in hydrogeologic data gathering, collection and evaluation, groundwater flow modeling and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). She develops and implements numerical models, researches the geology and hydrology of project areas, aids in grant administration, and assists Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) with Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) development and implementation.

Amir Mani, PhD, PE

Senior Water Resources Engineer

Contact: | | VCF Card
Education: Ph.D., Civil & Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, 2016
M.Sc., Civil Engineering-Water Resources, University of Tehran, 2011
B.Sc., Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, 2009
Years of Experience: 14 years

Technical Specialties:

Dr. Mani is a Professional Civil Engineer with more than 14 years of academic and project experience in integrated water resources management and modeling, groundwater supply development, climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, and wastewater and recycled water program implementation, permitting, and compliance. His work has included performing and managing water resources projects to support clients in Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) compliance, developing and implementing groundwater sustainability plans (GSP), performing analytical and numerical modeling, launching advanced data management and analytical toolboxes, and providing regulatory support, education and outreach. Dr. Mani has published articles in peer-reviewed journals focusing on assessing climate change impacts on conjunctive use and integrated water resources management.


David Melycher, LSP, LEP


Contact: | (860) 325-7771 | VCF Card
Education: Skidmore College, B.A. in Geology, 1991
Years of Experience: 32 years

Technical Specialties:

David Melycher assists municipal governments, regional utilities, national manufacturers, and regional commercial interests with large-scale environmental assessment and remediation projects. He provides technical and regulatory management of sites in state and federal programs including the federal RCRA Corrective Action Program, the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Program for PCBs, the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Program, and the Connecticut Property Transfer Act Program. He is a Massachusetts Licensed Site Professional (LSP) and a Connecticut Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP).

Mr. Melycher manages the design, installation, and operation of remedial systems using in situ bioremediation, LNAPL and DNAPL recovery, groundwater recovery and treatment, soil excavation, soil vapor extraction, and other technologies. Mr. Melycher has achieved more than fifty regulatory closures at sites across Massachusetts under the revised MCP. He also assists clients in compliance with Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP) Consent Orders requiring site remediation and environmental compliance and with the Connecticut Remediation Standard Regulations.

In addition to his remediation and regulatory experience, Mr. Melycher managed post-construction stormwater sites throughout the eastern United States. He works with clients to  maintain and rehabilitate existing stormwater control measures to bring sites into compliance with state and local regulations.

For more than a decade Mr. Melycher has provided technical expert support for insurance claim disputes and litigation cases.  He works closely with attorneys to provide expert witness reports that are focused on the specific issues of the case, based on established approaches, and easy to understand. He is routinely retained as an expert witness for faulty due diligence cases for significantly contaminated sites.

John Montgomery-Brown, PhD

Senior Engineer/Chemist

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3143 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, 2007
Stanford University, M.S. in Environmental Engineering, 2000
Queen's University, B.S.E. in Engineering Chemistry, 1999
Years of Experience: 17 years

Technical Specialties:

Dr. Montgomery-Brown has a background in environmental engineering, environmental chemistry, and chemical engineering.  His work of over seventeen years includes the fate and transport of organic and inorganic chemicals in the environment, chemical fingerprinting analyses to evaluate contaminant sources, data mining and the statistical analysis of analytical data, risk assessments, in-situ bioremediation, ambient and indoor air monitoring, vapor intrusion assessments, and soil gas surveys.  He has studied the biotic and abiotic attenuation processes of trace organic contaminants and pharmaceuticals in both the field and laboratory, and gained experience in microbiology and a variety of analytical measurement techniques.

Timothy O. Myjak, LEP

Supervising Scientist

Contact: | (860) 325-7771 | VCF Card
Education: B.S., Natural Resource Management, University of Connecticut, 1994
Years of Experience: 29 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Myjak has 29 years of professional experience performing environmental site assessments and investigations; environmental demolition/renovation surveys; building hazard assessments; vapor intrusion and air monitoring assessments, environmental permit preparation,  preparation and oversight of remedial action plans; and compliance evaluations with respect to regulatory and remediation standards throughout New England and New York, including expert witness and litigation experience associated with cause of origin assessments and remedial activities. Project experience has included working with institutional, municipal, financial,  industrial, and commercial clients. Mr. Myjak has worked on brownfield and urban renewal projects and grant preparation; corridor and inventory assessments; delineation of subsurface environmental recognized environmental conditions and areas of concern; evaluation, design, and supervision of remediation activities including chemical injections and product removal; and assisted clients with regulatory consent orders.

Mr. Myjak  provides technical and regulatory management of sites within State and Federal programs such as the Connecticut Transfer Act (CTA), Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA), Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), conducted  Connecticut Licensed Environmental Professional  Verifications; overseen sensitive receptor surveys; oversight of Significant Environmental Hazard (SEH) notifications and actions;  PCB investigations and remediation, emerging contaminant source PFAS evaluations and investigations, supervision of industrial fire and disaster mitigation and cleanup operations; oversight of emergency spill response activities; environmental hazard assessments within municipal school systems; pre-demolition/renovation building surveys for the delineation, abatement, and/or management of regulated substances; and compliance and permitting issues within the environmental field. Mr. Myjak is experienced with the preparation of QAPPs and CTDEEP RCP protocols.

In the role of an LEP Mr. Myjak has conducted hundreds of site assessments; investigations; and regulated UST investigations, remediations, and release closure/verifications. Mr. Myjak has provided technical expert support for insurance claim disputes and litigation cases. He has a proven history of providing professional consulting support to emergency response incidents. Mr. Myjak has a strong working relationship with regulatory staff.

Vera H. Nelson, PE

Vice President

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3069 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, Degree of Engineer in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering and Science, 1986
Stanford University, M.S. in Water Resources Engineering, 1985
Dartmouth College, B.A. in Engineering Science, 1983
Years of Experience: 33 years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Nelson is a registered civil engineer with thirty-three years of professional consulting experience performing hydrogeologic studies and remedial investigations; managing implementation of soil and groundwater remedial actions; assisting with environmental aspects of redevelopment of industrial properties; and providing litigation support services.  In support of these activities, she has performed extensive aquifer testing and analytical and numerical modeling to evaluate subsurface chemical transport and to design extraction and other groundwater remedial systems.  Ms. Nelson utilizes many of these same skills and tools while performing water supply assessments and water resources evaluations for municipalities and developers of non-contaminated properties.  She has also been involved in the development of human-health risk and vapor intrusion assessments, construction documents, engineering cost estimates, and risk management plans for redevelopment and remediation of industrial properties.

Ms. Nelson has served as a designated expert in both water resource and chemical release matters and testified in Los Angeles Superior Court in the Antelope Valley Groundwater Adjudication. She is very involved in the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in California, including provision of strategic and technical support for Groundwater Sustainability Plan development and securing grant funding.

Robert W. Plybon, PE

Environmental Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-9070 | VCF Card
Education: M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 2015
B.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, 2014
Years of Experience: 9 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Plybon is a professional engineer with experience in site investigation, remediation, and mitigation for a variety of environmental contaminants including PFAS, VOCs, petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, PCBs, metals, and radon. His experience includes design, operation, and monitoring of vapor intrusion mitigation and dual-phase extraction systems, design of landfill containment systems, preparation of construction plans and specifications, construction management, hazardous waste characterization and disposal, risk assessments, and project management. He has experience providing high-level programmatic support for his clients including the facilitation of meetings and consensus with and preparing complex reporting for environmental regulatory agencies like the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water Quality Control Board. Keeping apprised of changing regulatory needs, he helps his clients stay in compliance and facilitates permits as needed. Mr. Plybon has performed environmental due diligence for several private commercial and real estate development clients and fortune 500 companies, which has included the preparation of Phase I reports and implementation of Phase II sampling investigations. Mr. Plybon holds Professional Engineering licenses in CA, NY, NJ, MA, CT, and NC.

Roberta P. Prohaska

Senior Environmental Data Manager

Contact: | (650) 292-9145 | VCF Card
Education: BA, Sociology/Information Science, San Francisco State University (SFSU)
Database Systems Certificate, UC Santa Cruz Extension
Web Professional Certificate, Stanford University Continuing Studies
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Professional Certificate, SFSU
ITIL 4 Foundations Certificate in IT Service Management (ITSM), Axelos
Years of Experience: 30 years

Technical Specialties:

With 30 years experience as an Information Technologist, Ms. Prohaska has a broad range of technical skills with in-depth knowledge of relational database design, development, and implementation. This includes designing user interfaces, writing documentation, and conducting training. Ms. Prohaska’s experience also includes SharePoint development with Power Apps integration, custom forms with data validation and reporting. Additionally, she has much experience with data mapping and migrations.

Andrew N. Safford, PE

Vice President

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3073 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, M.S. in Civil Engineering, 1991
University of California, Davis, B.S. in Chemical Engineering, 1984
Years of Experience: 32 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Safford is a registered professional chemical and civil engineer with thirty-two years of practice.  He has evaluated and implemented remedial actions and pollution controls at operating manufacturing facilities and at other sites where environmental issues arise.  In support of these remedial actions, Mr. Safford has overseen the preparation of numerous feasibility studies that are consistent with the NCP and were presented as either stand‑alone documents or in remedial action plans that meet Section 13304 of the State of California Water Code and Chapter 6.8 of the State of California Health and Safety Code. Mr. Safford is experienced in the assessment and remediation of soil and groundwater containing VOCs, petroleum hydrocarbons, PCBs, metals, and other contaminants.  Mr. Safford provides quality control review of many EKI projects involving chemical processes and advanced waste treatment, as well as well as overseeing environmental regulatory compliance audits of manufacturing facilities and detailed engineering cost estimation.

Jeff R. Shaw, PG, CHg

Senior Hydrogeologist

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3074 | VCF Card
Education: University of Arizona, M.Sc. in Hydrology, 1997
University of Idaho, B.Sc. in Geology, 1986
Years of Experience: 32 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Shaw has thirty-two years of experience in the fields of water-resource evaluation, environmental investigation and remediation, and mineral exploration and development.  Mr. Shaw’s experience includes planning and execution of water-resource and environmental investigations; water-supply and environmental well drilling, design, construction, development, and sampling; hydraulic pumping tests; numerical and analytical groundwater flow modeling; numerous techniques for subsurface characterization; statistical analysis and data quality control; GIS data processing and analysis; and Phase I environmental site assessments.

Dave Sherman

Supervising Geologist

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x 3632 | VCF Card
Education: B.A., Geology, University of Massachusetts, 1985
Years of Experience: 32 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Sherman has 32 years of experience performing environmental site assessment, remediation and professional regulatory consulting services at hundreds of project locations throughout the North Atlantic region. He has achieved regulatory closure for a large number of sites under various state and federal statutory programs. Mr. Sherman provides senior technical oversight and regulatory expertise as a Licensed Site Professional (MA) and Licensed Environmental Professional (CT). Mr. Sherman is also a Qualified Environmental Professional as that term is defined by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

He is familiar with a vast variety of subject sites including industrial and commercial properties, bulk storage terminals, manufactured gas plants, and retail automotive fueling facilities. Mr. Sherman has extensive experience managing environmental properties impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated volatile organic compounds, metals and PCBs.

Glen D. Stefaniak, CPG, LEP


Contact: | (650) 292-9100 | VCF Card
Education: B.S., Environmental Earth Science, Eastern Connecticut State University, 1999
Years of Experience: 24 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Stefaniak is a Connecticut Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP) and Certified Professional Geologist (CPG) with more than 24 years of experience in environmental site investigations and remediation. He has overseen environmental investigations and remediation projects for bulk-storage petroleum facilities, brownfields properties, and industrial facilities throughout New England. He has provided technical assistance on projects across the country and routinely designs and guides environmental site assessments, develops remedial action plans and evaluates site closure strategies. Mr. Stefaniak has managed the design, installation, and operation of numerous remedial technologies including air sparging, soil vapor extraction, groundwater recovery, LNAPL and DNAPL recovery systems, nutrient-enhanced groundwater injections, in-situ chemical oxidation programs, and other technologies. Glen is known for delivering results through collaboration, innovation, and strong working relationships with regulators.

Michael Steiger, PE

Vice President/Director of Environmental Services

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3328 | VCF Card
Education: University of California, Berkeley, M.S. Civil Engineering/ Water Resources, 1997
Cornell University, B.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1996
Years of Experience: 23 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Steiger is a registered professional civil engineer who is uniquely skilled at understanding and meeting the needs of his clients through his combination of professional consulting and in-house corporate experience directing and executing a wide range of environmental projects. He specializes in transactional due diligence, risk-based remedial approaches facilitating site redevelopment, vapor intrusion assessment and mitigation, and working with regulatory agencies to resolve environmental compliance matters. His work and academic training has also included vadose zone hydrogeology, fate and mobility of salinity and nutrients in soil and groundwater, aqueous geochemistry, industrial wastewater treatment, and drinking water quality and distribution. Mr. Steiger led Fortune 100 technology company’s global environmental due diligence program, responsible for the overall direction and execution of all aspects of the program. His leadership facilitated the technology company’s rapid real estate portfolio growth while simultaneously minimizing it’s environmental liabilities.

Frank Stillo III, PhD

Senior Scientist

Contact: | (704) 608-4240 | VCF Card
Education: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering, 2018
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, M.S. in Public Health, 2015
Old Dominion University, B.S. in Environmental Science and Health, 2005
Years of Experience: 19 years

Technical Specialties:

Dr. Stillo has managed complex projects for multiple-site client portfolios, brownfields redevelopment, the evaluation of environmental data, and litigation support, particularly for property redevelopment, lead in drinking water, and historical pesticide impacts. He specializes in working with clients and regulatory agencies to facilitate risk-based remedial actions for redevelopment of contaminated properties, overseeing and performing human health exposure and risk assessments, and resource conservation and recovery act (RCRA) compliance and programming at Universities. 

Dr. Stillo has assisted municipal governments, regional utilities, national manufacturers, fortune 500 companies, and regional commercial companies with regulatory compliance and large-scale environmental assessment and remediation projects. He provides technical and regulatory management of sites in state and federal programs including the federal Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Program manufacturer reporting compliance and for PCBs, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Program, NCDEQ Underground Storage Program, and the NCDEQ Brownfields Redevelopment Section. He is also a Certified Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) Inspector. He managed post-construction stormwater sites throughout North Carolina. 

Dr. Stillo has eight publications in peer reviewed academic journals. His academic training and project experience include lead in drinking water exposure and risk assessments, development and implementation of risk communications, and speaking at over two score national and international conferences. Dr. Stillo continues his academic research and mentorship of students as an Adjunct Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering. 

Joy Su, PE

Supervising Environmental Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3129 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2000
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S. in Environmental Engineering, 1999
Years of Experience: 17 years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Su has over seventeen years of experience in planning, implementing, and managing site characterization and remediation projects.  Ms. Su has designed, coordinated and implemented field investigations, managed project budgets, evaluated field and multi-media analytical data, and prepared documents such as work plans, health and safety plans, status reports, remedial investigation reports, remedial action plans, remedial design and implementation plans, construction plans and specifications, and field programs for soil and groundwater remediation.

Jonathan P. N. Sutter, PE

Supervising Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x 3099 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2012
Columbia University, B.S., Civil Engineering, 2008
Years of Experience: 13 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Sutter is a Professional Civil Engineer experienced in utility master planning, design, and construction management for potable water, recycled water, and wastewater systems, as well as in water resources planning.

He manages potable water utility projects including all phases of design, cost estimation, construction management, budgeting, scheduling, and coordinating with and on behalf of clients. He has worked with multidiscipline design teams for projects that required planning, design, and construction of pipelines, water tanks, pump stations, and other water system facilities.

As part of his master planning work, he has developed capital improvement programs, managed and performed water demand and supply evaluations, and managed and performed water distribution system hydraulic modeling efforts to assess system performance and recommend operational improvements.

Stephen A. Tarantino, PE

Senior Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3077 | VCF Card
Education: University of Santa Clara, B.S. in Civil Engineering, 1970
Years of Experience: 46 years

Technical Specialties:

During over forty-five years of professional experience, Mr. Tarantino has led the implementation of a wide range of projects. His work includes planning (including numerous potable water system master plans and identification of alternative water supplies), design, cost estimation, and construction supervision for potable water, domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater, storm water, groundwater, and remediation projects including excavation and removal of contaminated soil, soil vapor extraction, and groundwater treatment systems. Mr. Tarantino has repeatedly demonstrated both the technical and management expertise needed to ensure that projects meet client needs and are performed on time and within budget.

David Tietje, PE, MBA


Contact: | (650) 292-9094 | VCF Card
Education: MBA, Pepperdine University, 2007
BS, Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, 1996
Years of Experience: 25 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Tietje has more than 25 years of engineering and project management experience with a focus in remediation engineering; hazardous waste/landfill engineering; water and wastewater treatment; and geotechnical engineering. Mr. Tietje has been involved in over 30 soil and groundwater investigation and remediation projects, in California, New York, Missouri, and Mississippi for a variety of clients including large corporations in the oil and gas, aerospace, and utility industries; commercial and residential developers; design/build contractors; and the federal government. He is familiar with all aspects of remediation ranging from pilot testing to design and implementation of full-scale systems. Mr. Tietje has successfully implemented numerous remediation technologies including soil vapor extraction (SVE), air sparging, dual phase extraction, advanced oxidation, in situ reactive zone (IRZ), landfill gas thermal treatment, and groundwater extraction and treatment. Mr. Tietje has served as the engineer-of-record (EOR) for complex remediation projects including a large scale IRZ system for treatment of hexavalent chromium and two Brownfield redevelopment projects at hazardous waste landfill sites.

David Umezaki, PE


Contact: | (650) 292-9100 x3079 | VCF Card
Education: Stanford University, M.S. in Civil (Environmental) Engineering, 1995
Stanford University, B.S. in Civil Engineering, 1994
Years of Experience: 22 years

Technical Specialties:

Mr. Umezaki has performed water, wastewater, and recycled water program management services for a number of cities in Northern California.  In this role, he has managed several permitting, design, and construction efforts for major improvements to water and wastewater treatment plants.  As part of his program management efforts, he has prepared technical evaluations, interfaced with regulatory agencies, and managed the efforts of numerous consultant teams and stakeholders on behalf of the cities. For twenty-two years, Mr. Umezaki has held key roles on several engineering projects, including program management, engineering design and design review, construction review, and operation and maintenance of water, wastewater, and groundwater treatment systems.  He has provided construction observation services for soil and groundwater remediation and is experienced with construction management and contract administration.  Mr. Umezaki has prepared engineering documents for submittal to regulatory agencies such as the U.S. EPA and several California Regional Water Quality Control Boards.  Mr. Umezaki also evaluates technologies as part of feasibility studies, preparing cost estimates, and designs groundwater treatment systems.

Tina Wang, PE

Water Resources Engineer

Contact: | (650) 292-9050 | VCF Card
Education: Education: M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 2014
B.S., Environmental Engineering, Economics, Northwestern University, 2012
Years of Experience: 8 years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Wang has over eight years of experience in water resources engineering. Her work primarily involves managing and performing water resources planning projects that support compliance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), development of Urban Water Management Plans, Water Supply Assessments, drought and water conservation plans, as well as supply reliability assessments. Ms. Wang has also assisted clients in conducting water supply and recycled water feasibility studies, as well as water and sewer master plans. Her expertise includes conducting water demand and supply evaluations, numerical and spatial data analysis, hydrogeologic modeling, and water and sewer system hydraulic modeling.

Christine Wasko

Interim Chief Operating Officer

Contact: | (720) 409-8791 | VCF Card
Education: B.A., Geography, University of Denver, 2010
Years of Experience: 14 years

Technical Specialties:

Ms. Wasko is a highly accomplished professional with a background in environmental consulting, remediation, and construction. She has successfully managed multi-million-dollar projects specializing in groundwater and soil investigations, large-scale remediation design and implementation, compliance monitoring, and regulatory adherence. Her expertise spans the assessment, remediation, and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous contaminants, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), metals, inorganics, asbestos, methane, and technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (TENORM).

Prior to EKI, as Chief Operations Officer (COO), Ms. Wasko led operations for a $55-million environmental consulting and construction firm with business operations nationwide. Under her leadership, the company achieved sustained year-over-year double-digit growth, reaching its highest net profit and Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) in history. She played a key role in guiding the organization through a critical transition from a small business enterprise (SBE) to a medium business enterprise (MBE), cultivating a high-performance culture, aligning operations with corporate objectives, and optimizing internal systems and processes to support scalable growth and long-term success.